About OptimumG

If you’re interested in excellence, you’re in the right place. OptimumG’s first and foremost interest is excellence as well. Specifically, we’re all about making vehicles excellent so they reach the pinnacle of performance. To do that, we offer vehicle dynamics, data acquisition, and training solutions to automobile manufacturing and motorsports industries around the globe.

Like most improvements in human history, OptimumG started with an idea to improve vehicle performance: A relentless focus on data. With the right data, we know we can make adjustments based on physical reality and not speculation or intuition. This idea has allowed OptimumG, which formed in 1997, to evolve into an international leader in vehicle dynamics that offers custom software solutions, enlightening training seminars, creative consulting services, and much more.

Today, with its engineering expertise, knowledge, and perspectives, OptimumG is helping automotive and race engineers reach the performance they demand.

OptimumG has come to appreciate that its customers understand the power of a single idea, and the resilience it takes to make it a reality. We also know our customers strive for nothing less than the best—and that’s exactly what OptimumG provides.

If you’re not already a part of our family, join us in our drive to excellence!

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Instructor: Claude Rouelle

Claude started OptimumG in his home in 1997, and continues to serve as the company’s visionary. His enthusiasm is as infectious today as it was when he began working in the industry in 1979. Those who know him—employees and customers alike—say he inspires them with his love and passion for sharing his hard-earned knowledge and experience. Claude began his career by starting Hirondelle Racing, a company that created Formula Ford cars. A few years later, he became a race engineer in the European Touring Car Championships for Luigi Racing (Alfa Romeo GTV6) and RAS (Works team Volvo and Toyota Supra). He also worked with several other racers, including: Erik Comas, Jean Marc Gounon, Olivier Panis (Formula 3000 Europe), Ross Cheever/Johnny Herbert, AGS Gabriele Tarquini/Yannick Dalmas (Formula One), Arie Luyendijck, Stefan Johansson (Indycar USA), and others. Claude served as technical representative for Reynard Motorsport. He also won the Formula 3 championship with ORECA. Claude says the two big perks of running an international company are traveling and exploring cultures. He says it has sharpened his creativity. Claude enjoys learning about religions, politics, history, and food. Favorite pastimes include long walks, biking, and cooking for friends and family.

Claude Rouelle

President, Owner